Friday, July 31, 2009
Ok, ladies and gents. Yesterday I finished my research paper section for the user study design. I also started on my research poster design. I am using photoshop to create it. I am trying to make it look interesting, not like dull posters I have seen in the past. I also spent alot of time anaylzing and finding the trends in the data I collected. It seems that our hypothesis is correct, that people naturally draw in an invisible spherical plane. Today I will work on the poster, so hasta luego.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Ok, ladies and gents. Yesterday...what did I do? I wrote up the flock of birds specifications and related work sections for the research paper. I also read a couple research articles on human motion and the building block of them, "movemes." Movemes is a term invented by Bregler and Malik in 1997 to describe the primitives of human motion. I think i can used that in my paper. Peace
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Ok, ladies and gents. I finally did the final calibrations to the code, I think I am finally done with the code now. I also finished my introduction for my research paper, well, Hammond and Peschel of course has to do their revisions, and trust me I think they will be doing a lot of that. I do not mind, because I am not that good of a writer. I am very open to suggestions because I know what I am capable of which is not much when it comes to writing. Time to get back to doing my own revisions of the intro. Peace
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Ok, ladies and gents. Yesterday I talked to Hammond and Peschel, and I got to say that it feels good knowing what you are doing, and especially why. Time is winding down, and there is alot of things going on right now. I have to write this research paper, finish my website, analyze the data that I have now, .....I just got a lot to do. nuff said. Peace
Friday, July 24, 2009
Ok, ladies and gent. I have not done much in terms progressing in my research and writing the paper. I did add one more functionality that will allow users to compare the first half of the time vs x , y , or z graph with the latter half of it. Very useful. Other than I have not done anything. Peschel has been busy so I could not get help from him. But he said he is going to help me today, and I will be returning tonight to finish some stuff up. I am hoping to finish the calibration for flock of birds code and finish my abstract. Peace
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Ok, ladies and gents. On Tuesday, I read a research article about sketching, but it was relating to drawing in 3D. Since I am still not sure what this research could be applied to or why it is significant, I do not think reading any random article about sketching will be useful. I sent Peschel an email, but I guess he didn't check it. Here are my problems that I need solve this week: 1. Understand the significance of my research. 2. Finish the calibrations that Peschel wants me to implement in my code. 3. Read more articles regarding sketching that relates to the significance of my research. 4. Start writing research paper. Currently I am scared of writing the research paper because I feel like I might sound incompetent, but hopefully if I understand the significance of my research then that will not happen. Ok. Peace
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Ok, ladies and gents. Yesterday, I realized something about myself, well not really, but just a new development. You see, on sunday night I was reading Daniel Dixon thesis paper and I fell asleep really early around 9 p.m. That is really early for me, but I just figured that I was tired. Well, yesterday I was re-reading research articles so that I can references them when I start writing my research paper. After reading the 5th or 6th article I fell asleep. A week ago, I went to Barnes&Nobles to read a book called Blink, and I feel asleep in the store. Are you starting realize the trend? I have a very.....very short attention span, so if the book or paper is not....engaging enough, then I will fall asleep. I did not want to "interesting enough" because some of the papers s and the books were interesting to a certain extent, but it did not draw me in. Three weeks ago, we were assignedt to read the HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy, and I read that really quick because, not only was interesting, it also sucked me into reading more. That is why I voted for the next installement in the series, but obviously we didn't get enough votes to read it. I think I need to buy that 5 hour energy drink. Anyway, I need to get to work. I'll see you later.
Friday, July 17, 2009
ok, ladies and gents. It is the end of the day, and I feel way more accomplished than I did yesterday; this time I got stuff working. Today, I altered the GUI so that I can view two different views. The first view show a 3d plot of the Flock of Birds data. The second view show 6 different 2D plots. It shows the x vs y, x vs z, y vs z, time vs x, time vs y, and time vs z. I know this will be very useful in the days to come.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Ok, ladies and gents. Yesterday, I successfully exported flock of birds data to a file, but it took longer than I expected. I had previously done this before this year's spring semester, but I could not remember how I did it. So it took me most of the day, in which I wasted most of my time. Anyway, Peschel told me this great idea. He said I should make planes of references based on the a averages of the graphs. The graph of interest will be easier to comprehend if planes of references in the x, y, and z axis. I actually created it, but the system significantly slows down and I can not see through it. I'll keep working on it.
Monday, July 13, 2009
ok, ladies and gents. So today, I added more functions to my code so that I can find the standard deviation for each dimension, i.e. x, y, and z. The next thing on my list of things to do is to a csv file of the data so Peschel can use Excel to look at the data "statiscally." I will not be able to do it today because it is ....4:24pm and I am going to leave at 4:45 so I can go to the Fed ex to mail some stuff and take pictures. Peace out.
Ok, ladies and gents. I most definitely forgot to post on thursday and I'll give a brief summary on those days. Thursday, I was able to get the drop down menus to work, all four of them. This means that I can choose a specific flock of birds xml file to graph, and after, I attached listeners to the menus so that when the user hits "ok" button the program will graph the file immediately. At first I thought I had some bugs because I got some wacky looking graphs, but then Hammond came in and looked at it at a different perspective. Btw, she was really excited, overzealous even. I felt like I accomplished something by performing the user study and creating a program to visualize the data, but as excited as Hammond was it seemed like she was the one programming lol. Anyway, Hammond looked at the line plotted graph and the change the orientation of it, then I saw that you could see what was drawn by the user study participants using the flock of birds system. Pretty amazing. Some of it is hard to distinguish at times, though. Anyway, hasta luego.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Ok, ladies and gents. Yesterday, I realized that it was harder than I thought to create a drop down menu to select different methods, users, and trial for a specific data file. The reason is that the data file does not give enough information within it, or its in different places, so its harder to pull out the data. Peschel thinks I should just do what I can right now, and later he will alter the how Flock of Birds system outputs its data so it will be easier to pull out vital info next time around. That means, all the work i am currently doing to "do what I can" will be for naught because I will have to change the code to work for the different format of the data file. I guess I do not mind so much because doing "what i can" has lead to a bad design and hectic code. Anyway, so far I got two of the drop down menu to work, now its time for the others. Hasta luego.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Ok, ladies and gents. Since I finished the XML parsing, I can use the extracted data and place it in a 3D plotting system. So I was working on a JMathTool tutorial and trying to alter it so that I can apply it to my research. Currently, I am trying to make a GUI window where I can select any user, with any trial, and any method to find the specific data file from the user study. So, I am bout to get to work so I will see you later.
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