Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ok, ladies and gents. So I had a very fun weekend....but freakin tiring. NEMUII To TSUKARETA!
Translation, sleepy and tired. Friday night, 10/9/2009, we went to the Alps as usual. the Alps is a bar/restaurant/chill spot type of thing. The bad thing is that there is a lot of smoking which gets on my nerves! Every time we go there we spend close to 300 hundred bucks! Never again. Lets see......Saturday I went to Ueno, Japan thinking that I am going to meet a friend there, but it supposed to be on sunday so I felt stupid when I called her and asked her "where you at?" lol. So I decided to look around and saw these girls staring at me, but tryin to be inconspicuous about it. They worked at a Very small jewelry store so I decided to walk in. They were very cute, we talked a little....well as much as we could since there is a language barrier, but my Japanese is getting a little better every week so I could convey some of my thoughts to her. I bought something for my friend in the U.S. Anyway, Sunday night I met with my friend in Ueno and instead of taking me on a tour, she surprised me and took me to another city called Odaiba. It was freaking beautiful! There is a smaller version of the Statue of Liberty residing on the coast of the waters. There is also a amazing view of Rainbow Bridge. Not only that, we went to a restaurant called La Boheme where there was an even better view of the bridge, and if you notice Tokyo Tower is right behind it. Romantic, kind of. Anyway, I did a lot of things this weekend, but I am tsukareta right now. this is just another day in the life of me :)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Ok, ladies and gents. So my Eastern Religion class was suppose to get our test back today, but apparently most of the Japanese students grades are very low so the teacher wants to boost their grade up by allowing them to turn in homework that was passed due. However, she will not return or reveal anyone's grades until next week!!! I was severely pissed, well.....not really, just disappointed. I really studied my ass off for it and I want to see the fruits of my labor. She said there were three A's, but I do not know if I was one of them. Life goes on. Anyway, I just got an email confirming that I am receiving a check to support myself in Tokyo!!! This "organization" that is funding me is freaking AWESOME, without this "organization" i do not know what i would have done, probably take a loan and work it off. But once i get this check, its over, Tokyo is going down!!! Well, its just another day in the life of me :)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Ok, ladies and gentlemen. What should I talk about.....well last friday 10/2, I took an Eastern Religion test. There was only one thing on the test that I had no idea about. The question asked to explain the Four Yugas. Seriously, in my head I said "What the F!!! is a Yuga?!!!" I skipped it and went on ahead and finished the rest of the test. Then I came back to the question I literally spent like 30 minutes trying to figure out what it was. Yuga is related to Hindu time which was covered in like the very first week of school back in September 1st or something!!!! I was highly pissed! But life goes on and I tried my hardest, and God bless, I believe that I passed it with at least a B, hopefully. Anyway, back to my social life. So I have been to the club EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND I have been here smh. I spent alot of money smh. The clubs are expensive smfh. This past weekend I didnt want to go, but the girls insisted smh. I'm a sucker for women s...m....h. But I had fun with them so I guess it was worth it. The only thing I dont like is all the smoking in this city, especially a place as confined as clubs. My whole body, including my hair!, smells like cigarettes after I leave and it takes a whole day before it can air out. It still smells like smoke but not as poignant. Most definitely, one good thing came from going to the club, which was meeting a bodygaurd who is helping me find a teaching job!!! So yes, again, it was freaking worth it cuz I NEED MONEY!!!!!!!!! Another day in the life of me :)