It seems more professional, so I am trying it out. You can thank marxistmarx for that one.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
Summer Begins
Good day Ladies and Gents. Its been a while since I have written a post. I should update my life more often so if I forget things, I can just look upon this blog to remember. How's life people? Mine...."good." <--why "good"? Well, if you compare to other people's life who is less fortunate, my life would be actually great. I am truly blessed, but am I truly happy? I believe without a doubt, that I am not. This is because of several reasons:
- I am not receiving the Computer Science education I wanted from my school Norfolk State University. I barely do any programming at my school which is bad for a computer programmer. So I am completely unsatisfied, and for someone who loves his education, I am also unhappy.
- I am easy to talk to and I can talk to strangers really easily. I also can make friends easily, I do not have a lot of friends at my school.
- I do not like being at Norfolk State. I feel like I do not belong there. This may relate to #1. The standard of education is low, maybe only in my cs department. The quality of service is low. And NSU has screwed me over so many times, that I am still paying for it. I belong in a better institution than this.
I thank God for the friends I do have that I talk a lot with like Marx the omnipotent, Serina the beautiful, and JP the ugly. I have others like Shaquetts my Honey, Jazmine the Snake, and some others. So I can not say I'm lonely. I guess that's how my life turned out to be. Sucks.
The next thing I am going to talk about is part of the events in my life that keeps me going. I am going to attend another internship, but this will be at University of Californai Los Angelos. I am so excited. I always look forward to my internships because I can learn something new and be challenged, something I do not get much at my university. California is about to be POPPIN. I will def be updating my blog a lot. Its going to be so much fun!!! Plus from what I learned in US-Japanese Relations class in Japan, there are lot Japanese in Cali. #awesome. I can maybe interact with some Japanese and practice the language. But more importantly there are a lot of good looking women there :) lol. Bout to have fun!!!! Its starts June 21st though, so I still have a month and a week.
Hmmmm.....anything else.....well I really want to go back to Japan, or leave my school. Oh yea, this semester is the first time I have received a 4.0 .....ever. The bad thing is, I am not happy as I thought I would be for reasons #1 and #3 above. I definitely did work for it but what good is the achievement if the work came so easy? This is my life, just another day....just another day in the life of me. no smile.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Olympiad Aftermath
Ok. Ladies and Gents. Its been a long....three weeks. I recently participated in a robotics competition formally known as ARTSI Olympiad. My two favorite parts of the competition is the Cryptography and the ARTSI MovieFest. Anyway, the reason for this post is that I wanted to inform that a coordinator of the ARTSI MovieFest cheated and screwed me over. I submitted my video for the movie festival, but when I arrived he said that I did not. I sent 5 different emails. I sent it to the correct address most definitely, yet he "did not receive it." Coincidentally, his team placed first this year and last year. Hmmm, is that not shady at all? So, I was highly irate at the time when I confronted him about the emails I sent to him because he was ignoring me and turning his back. I wanted to punch him in his face because that is highly disrespectful, but I composed myself before I did so. The night I returned to my university I felt like I did not know what to do with myself because it seemed that I did four days worth of work with only four hours of sleep each night for nothing. I was not depressed nor sad, but just helpless. I laid on my bed for an hour and a half, do absolutely nothing. I later indulge myself with unhealthy by going to chinese restaurant. After eating my food, I looked at the fortune cookie and I FELT, YES I FELT like it was important. More important than any I have ever received before. I know this sounds crazy because that is exactly what I was thinking when I felt that way. I opened and I read "You are not a loser until you quit trying." There is a God. If that is not a Heaven-sent message I do not know what is. Not only that, I had received to fortune cookies and this one stated "Idleness is for fools." Another significant message. This raised my spirit back up, and I began writing my script for next years competition and I'm almost finished. For the next four days after that night I gathered evidence with my evidence to accuse the coordinator Andrew Williams for cheating. We gathered as much evidence as we could and presented it to the ARTSI board. I will not discuss everything that we gathered in fear of a longer blog post, but in short, at the end of the fourth day he had resigned his position WILLINGLY from the ARTSI Board before any action could be taken upon him. His first mistake was cheating. His second was cheating me. His third was cheating someone who worked really hard on his project. His fourth was accusing me of lying. His fifth was fucking with computer scientists with determination. KARMA IS A BITCH...AINT IT? Just another day in the life of me. straight face.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Ok. Ladies and gentlemen. Let's see.....this week has been freakin busy for me!!! NO JOKE! But before I get to the main topic of my post, I want to mention something that has been on my mind since Sunday of March 14, 2010. And this is how I want to start it off........'WTF WAS WRONG WITH YOU DAVID!!" I don't believe I got attached this girl....what was I thinking. I don't wanna say to trust my "n**ga instincts and shouldn't have grown attached to her.......wait......that's exactly want I want to say. I don't know how I came to realize this...., maybe because she was the only thing keeping alive in my boring life. So I guess since I am participating in activities to keep me busy, I don't need her as an anchor to keep me from insanity in the forsaken place called NSU. Don't get me wrong she was ....."is" cute as hell, sexy,....nice bod....cute personality, I remember why I started getting attached to her. Nevertheless, it was suppose to be for fun, but I had to give it a try....smh.....a lesson learned. Plus I only get attached to, well suppose to, people who I can see my self in a relationship for a long time. My last girlfriend was someone I could see myself with for a very long time, ....I mean.....she was like the full package: brains, witty, quick with the mouth like me, and she is most definitely gonna be successful in life. Well...."shit happens." ANYWAY....BACK TO MY ORIGINAL TOPIC.
Monday through Thursday morning, I only had 12 hours of sleep!!! WTF. I was so busy with this project for the ARTSI Competition with a sub competition called Movie Fest. We recorded all our video in two days, but I did all the editing. It took a long time, but I finished it. Thank God. I'm exhausted right now, and I need to take a break. However, I can not because I haven't done any work for any of my classes all week because of the movie project so I am definitely behind and it has piled up. Ganbatte ne = Good luck to me, right. Anyway, here are the videos I created. Just another day in the life of me :)
Just another day in the life of me :)
Monday through Thursday morning, I only had 12 hours of sleep!!! WTF. I was so busy with this project for the ARTSI Competition with a sub competition called Movie Fest. We recorded all our video in two days, but I did all the editing. It took a long time, but I finished it. Thank God. I'm exhausted right now, and I need to take a break. However, I can not because I haven't done any work for any of my classes all week because of the movie project so I am definitely behind and it has piled up. Ganbatte ne = Good luck to me, right. Anyway, here are the videos I created. Just another day in the life of me :)
Just another day in the life of me :)
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Ok. Ladies and Gents. Last week had to be the best week of this semester thus I was on my grind. So I applied to this scholarship/internship/ job provided by the DOD , but it took me 10-15 hours to do it!!! Tsukareta (tired). Therefore, I had to run to the research building back and forth because I was receiving aid there. I had to write essays, fill out an application, and sign some papers. It was hard, BUT FUN AND CHALLENGING!!! It threw my whole schedule off. It made my currently dull life....a bit interesting for a short period of time. Sadly, that week is over so I'm back to ole' regular boredom again. Well, actually I am entering into this video contest which I have been thinking up ideas for almost a year thats keeping from complete boredom. I just have to get these negroes on my team to help me, because they are procrastinating right now and I need to get something done with the movie smh. I think I will boot them out my team and replace them with someone else. I am not trying to be mean....but i don't have time for bullshit. I may be a procrastinator, AND A SERIOUS ONE A THAT lol, but when it close to the finish line I know its time to kick it in gear, so to speak. Anyway, I got 5 midterms exams this week, and I haven't studied for them....I am the ultimate procrastinator. But you know what? This is just another day in the life of me :)
Monday, February 22, 2010
Studying for Linear Algebra Test
Ok, ladies and gents. So I am completely unmotivated right now. I am currently studying for my linear algebra test. Kind of bored doing it though, no I am bored. Hmmm.... I need something exhilarating to happen to me. Yea...I think I'm go skydiving in a couple of weeks. But what should I do in the mean time? Hmmmm.... studying Japanese and re-watching Death Note is keeping soul connected to this body, but that will only last for so long. I need something to help sew up the roots. Well....I think there is a shooting range near my university. Maybe I can go shoot at some paper targets. Man....I need some ideas. I still got at least two months in this pathetic school. Anyway, just another day in the life of (sigh) .
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Ok, Ladies and Gents. It's been almost a month now since the last post. Has there been a significant change in my life since then, hmmmmm? Yes, I guess. Since my education is the most important thing to me right now, I will start with everything related to it. So I have applied to eight internship thus far, and I will still apply to more for this summer I have been procrastinating a lot this past month, but I will explain why later. Other than internships, I have a research job on my campus, but I have not been doing much in it. I was given a seventy-five page paper to read, and I did, about a video they are trying to develop enlightening gamers of the history of George Latimer and his son. George Latimer was a slave who escaped to freedom when he reached to Boston, I think. So far the only thing I assisted on was making the game appealing to the modern day gamer, but I want to do more than that. I want to learn how to do something, but I have not got any word yet, and I do not want to nag them. The next thing is my Japanese class....smh...sigh. Remember in my last post I said the young African Americans are not pushing themselves to the limit, but actually below average is fine with them? Well, IT IS GETTING ON MY F'N NERVES!!!! Let me tell how slow my class is at Norfolk State University by using lessons in the Japanese learning textbook for comparison. The textbook has twelve lessons in total. In Japan, my sensei (teacher) went from lesson one to lesson five for Japanese 101. I come back to NSU and take Japanese 101-2, the second level, and the second level starts at Lesson 4!! I asked the teacher "why are you going so slow?" She responds "well, the students here are not as motivated as students elsewhere. I have to make sure that they pass." WTF!!! Not only that, but I found out she also teaches at another university not far from my school and in their Japanese 101, she teaches from Lesson 1 - Lesson 6!!!! Oh My F'n Goodness. The classes I attend at the school in Japan were all challenging, so do you know how depressed I was when I heard that shit. The only thing that kept me alive was this girl I liked in Japan that I knew was coming to America to study. I thought I could build a relationship with her since we "dated" (<----it complicated), however, she shut me down about three weeks ago, and that "tipped the glass over." I was so depressed that I felt I could not move for half a day. I wanted to cry because I feel I am not getting the education I want, I felt lonely, I feel utterly unsatisfied. What do you do if you have a full scholarship, but your parents do not have money for you to transfer to better university? What do you do when you are lonely and not interested in any woman....on your your home state....not even in America? What do you do when you are so unsatisfied that you are far past the point where you begin to think "what is the point of life?" I am not the type of person to commit suicide if anyone is thinking that. Dying is too easy, and it is not a challenge at all and you know how much I love a challenge. Remember, it is always harder to live than to not. Sigh. Well, just another day in the life of me (no smiley face this time).
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Ok, Ladies and Gents. Its literally two weeks since I have been at NSU...smh. Like I said before... I wish I was back in Japan. I do not want to sound like I am complaining a lot so I will say this: "Count your blessing," because other people are in a worse situation. I really cannot say that I am in a "bad" situation. Cool Friends. Full Scholarship. Internship in both 2008 and 2009. I mean nothing is wrong in those situations. The ONLY thing I really have a problem with this school is the computer science education and how low the standards are. I am so bored with these professors because they are used to the African-American students not pushing themselves to the limit, not even trying to be average, but below it. smh. Shouganai (that's life). Anyway, currently I am applying to internships for summer 2010. I am applying to like twelve of them. Hopefully I get one again, God Blessing. The internships I have applied, especially the last one smh, was challenging. THAT IS WHAT I LOVE.....THE CHALLENGE, PUSHING MYSELF TO BEST I CAN BE. I may hate the challenge during the process, but the taste of sweet victory, the feel of a great accomplishment always make it worth it. Time to go watch some anime, and finish this internship application. Just another day in the life of :)
Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hello Ladies and Gents. I know I know....i havent blogged in a long time, and you have told me that. So I was just invited to the new Google Wave so I am updating now since the Wave has features that deals with Blogger. Anyway, last time I signed in I was in Japan. Now I am back in America. A lot has happened since the last time I wrote. So I will give you a list of major happenings:
- Moved out my host family's apartment because of the lack of communication which created an unwanted and "not welcomed here" atmosphere. So I packed my things and literally left there place without a word. One thing I should note, Japanese people are evasive and that was the beginning of my problems.
- I took the second test of Eastern Religion class and I GOT A FREAKIN A!!!! I am happy because i failed the first with a 69 which was one of the top 3 test grade in the class smh. This time I think i was number one. Remember kids: "fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me." I passed the third test as well with an A as well, that was one of my hardest class, if not the hardest.
- HALLOWEEN!!!! Yo, the Japanese cats I was hanging with at LCJ took it to the extreme with their costumes. We had a lot of fun at our schools halloween party. Apparently the previous year's Halloween was wack, but our int'l group for Fall '09 made it worth while for the Japanese cats.
- So there was this lady, nicknamed "kaasan" which means mother in Japanese. She was given that nicknamed because people though she looked older for her age. Well, that same lady.....I liked a lot. smh. Kaasan ha samishii you da yo! <--- That is Japanese for (i think) " i miss kaasan" with an affirmative stance. She is coming to study abroad in America, so maybe I can meet up with her :)
- I almost forgot about Thanksgiving because Japanese people do not celebrate it of course. So we decided to go to a Portuguese restaurant which was awesome lol. You will see why when I upload the pictures. It was me, Alex, Ryu, George, Tinu, Ashley, Jency, Marx, Mari, Angelina, Gerry, Misaki, Maasa, some russian guy lmfao, and I think that is it. It was like a buffet for a reasonable price especially since food in Tokyo is crazy expensive smh. But we definitely enjoyed ourselves ;)
- Finished my finals...I had a 3.88, almost had that 4.0 F*CK!!!! Remembering it makes me mad. Anyway. I had three A's and one A minus. Oh well sh*t happens.
- I stayed an extra week and did things that I wanted to do before I left like spend time with friends and the girl I liked :*( I visited Kamakura which is a beautiful place to see around November to December in Japan because around that time it is like fall in America. The leaves are gorgeous. Sugoii desu ne (amazing isnt it?)
- I went to Ito which is in the mountains!!! It was f'n awesome. Like, who do you know that lives in the mountains?! Well my friend had a little party at her house and it was real good. The view is really beautiful too. I miss Japan.
- I returned to the U.S. and dreaded being away from Japan and the friends I made there. I played games most of the time. Man...let me tell you about New Year' actually...maybe not because it is probably too explicit.....well I can say some things. :) lol. So had a little get together/ slash party. We had music going, had drinks ( a lot), dark lighting... and the rest is history :) THAT IS HOW YOU START A NEW YEAR!
- Now I am at school, ole Negro State University (the name is actually Norfolk State University) but this place gets on my nerves, but shogonai ne (thats life).
Like I said I am updating my blog because Caramina sent me an invite which I am totally grateful for. Just another day in the life of me :)
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