Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Ok ladies and gents. Today I went to the Immersions Virtual Center and it was pretty cool. I got to see how Texas uses their center to aid other students, organizations, and/or industries in visualizing their data sets in 3D. Using 3d, they get a more in depth understanding of what their data looks like. For example, Texas A&M itself collects gigs of data on the weather. Well, they used that data, input it into VTC, a free app that helps visualize data in 3d, and ran the program. The result was an image of a thuderstorm forming. It was cool. But this center has more applications than just visualizing data, it can probably run video games in 3d too. Anyway here is the question of the day.

What is the purpose of our (mankind) existence?

1 comment:

  1. We will never know...
    But you should make one up to the best of your ability, or else you will go crazy.
